BJP MLC accuse authorities of sabotaging PM package

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 27: BJP vice president and MLC, Ajay Bharti (G L Raina) while turning tables on concerned authorities in the State Government today alleged that unrelenting effort by forces inimical to the Displaced community of Kashmir in general and youth in particular opposed to even semblance of return of exiled Kashmiri Hindu Community are working overtime to sabotage Prime Minister’s employment package.
Bharti in a hard hitting statement issued here, today said that with a lot of pain, agony, anguish and torment, he is brining the plight of the displaced people in general and the unemployed migrant youth in particular into the notice of the concerned authorities and the people in general who after their mass exodus from the Valley have been made victims of official apathy as well.
The employment process for displaced youth that began in the year 2004, got concretized in the year 2008 is still nowhere near completion even at the end of the year 2018.Under the PM’s package with an approval of creating 15000 job openings out of which 6000 were to be absorbed in Government jobs and 9000 were self-employment opportunities.
Bharti alleged that the issue is hanging in balance for years together and it has been put to legal wrangle with authorities taking no interest in settling the same putting displaced youth to great desperation and problems.