BJP launches monthly news magazine

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 7: In a historic landmark, the Jammu & Kashmir BJP became the first ever political party in the State to begin monthly news magazine, the first issue of which titled “B.J.P. Update” was released on Thursday at a function held at Party Headquarters by its State President Shamsher Singh Manhas in presence of National Executive Member & Chief Spokesperson Dr. Jitendra Singh, State general secretaries Satish Sharma and Sat Sharma (C.A), State press secretary Balbir Ram, Magazine Editor Rajnish Jain and state membership Incharge Mohan Singh Chouhan.
Shamsher Singh Manhas said that the magazine will help in educating the party cadre as well as common masses about the ideology and goals of BJP. It will also offer resume of Party’s activities during the preceding month at different levels in the state. In addition, the magazine will contain the information about party’s upcoming programmes and major decisions taken during the Working Committee meetings at Central and state levels.
Dr Jitendra Singh,while congratulating the editorial team of the news magazine, said that this has set a new precedent and will help convincing the people of Jammu and Kashmir that every policy or stance of BJP in the State is based on sound academic spade work.
Rajnish Jain informed that the magazine will be brought out regularly every month and it will be ensured that it reaches each and every corner of the State.