Bizarre abuse of sports

People consider sports as a great source of entertainment. However the purity of sports is no more perpetuating. Increasing complaints are received by authorities about nepotism and favouritism galore in the selection of sportspersons, men and women. It is a travesty that a source of public entertainment should be corrupted and abused.
The High Court had ordered the Managers of J&K Below -23 cricket team to stop the finalizing of selection of team for the CK Naydu Trophy cup to be played in Hyderabad between J&K and Goa teams.
While the contest was in progress a notification came to the refree who stopped the game and passed on the notification to the Manager of J&K team in which the court had ordered contempt of court against the Managers who had ignored the earlier order of the Court asking for cancelling the selection list.
Actually one Hisham had filed a complaint that he was intentionally dropped from the list of approved players and instead of him another boy had been selected, who did not have as much of merit. Why the Manager did not honour the first order remains a mystery. Anyway the Managers claim they received the order after the team had already left for Hyderabad and engaged in playing. The Manager further said that the applicant was the son of a very influential person and that is why the court had taken such a decision.
We do not want to go into the merits or demerits of the case. Fundamental question is that sports are being abused in our State. The Manager should have responded positively to the first court order and avoided creating an embarrassing situation. How can our sports develop and how can our sportsmen and women contest with such a sordid background of the Sports Department at home. We earnestly impress upon the Minister of Sports to set his home in order and not make a sham of our Sports Department. That will be highly damaging to the interests of the budding youth with deep interest in sports.