With Nitish Kumar’s resignation as Chief Minister of Bihar, many a thing have become clear in so called unpredictable Indian Politics. Nitish Kumar had been somewhat inclined to BJP Government at Centre on various issues like GST, demonetization or the recent one of Presidential elections. Nitish has shown a “NO” to Mahaghadbhandhan which was being projected by opposition parties as a competitor to BJP leader and PM Narendra Modi. It was a crucial step by Nitish Kumar as he was supposed to lead the Mahaghadbhandhan in 2019 elections as he was the only one free from corruption allegations.
After resigning as chief of Bihar, Nitish has got an overwhelmed response from BJP leaders especially PM Modi who congratulated him via his twitter account. Nitish also didn’t deny that he won’t be taking support of BJP in formation of Government in Bihar again. Apart from this, Nitish was never on Bhartiya Janta Party’s radar, target being Lalu Yadav or his younger son Tejasvi Yadav; BJP only tried to get Nitish out of JDU-RJD coalition in which they have succeeded. With this BJP is also believed to get hold of Bihar.
The resignation of Nitish Kumar has not only assured end of RJD but also a hurdle free ride to BJP in 2019 General Elections. Nitish Kumar is the only leader in politics now who has no corruption taint. Opposition Parties hoped to project Nitish as Prime ministerial candidate for 2019 elections for his clean image but with his resignation , Kumar has turned tables in favour of BJP.
It will be crucial to see how things go in Bihar and what policy BJP follows to get hold of Nitish as well as power in Bihar.
Yours etc…
Gursimran Singh
on e-mail