Beti Padao

To curb the tendency of gender discrimination, the slogan, ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padao’ carries vital significance imbalancing graph of girl  child in the recent decade, has posed many questions for propagation of such views/attiude of life for fair sex. Obviously social and economical factors which stand attached with the women world, are mainly responsible for such sorry affairs in the society. Incidents of rapes, dowry deaths and domestic violence, the fair sex is now faced with,  often discourage such parents, blessed with daughters. Therefore, social security and dignified life, as they deserve, must be ensured at all corners. The economic factor, though not  much meaningful, yet becomes a cause of concern. A special package for girls child wouldn’t only boost the morale of blessed mothers, but also remove many hurdles is their proper  education. Therefore, Beti Bachao, Beti Padao needs to be translated in real sense.
The shameful event that occured recently in Moga, in Punjab, where a girl was molested in a moving bus and then thrown out of the bus leading to death of the helpless girl is quite shocking. Such heart breaking incidents fearlessly done even in the public places, make the phenomenon of their security and dignity  totally unsafe and full of humiliation.
Strictest legislation  to deter  such anti-social elements and to provide them economic security in a shape of package on the very birth of a girl child, will surely help in maintaining their status and dignity in the society.
Yours etc….
Keshwa  Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunderbani)


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