CHANDIGARH: A “medium danger” avalanche warning was today issued for some districts of Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pardesh for the next 24 hours, advising people not to venture into avalanche-prone areas.
A “medium danger” warning exists for avalanche-prone areas of Baramulla, Kupwara, Bandipora, Kishtwar, Rajauri, Doda, Poonch and Riyasi districts of Jammu and Kashmir for the next 24 hours, Snow and Avalanche Study Center said.
Also, a “medium danger” warning was issued for some areas of Chamba and Lahaul and Spiti districts of Himachal Pardesh.
It warned people against venturing into avalanche-prone areas.
As per the center, Banihal Top got nine cm of fresh snow, Gulmarg 28 cm, Haddan Taj 35 cm, Neelam 47 cm, Pharkian 31 cm, Z Gali 28 cm, Kanzalwan 18 cm, Drass 2 cm, Dhundi 3 cm, Bahang 1 cm and Solang Nala 5 cm. (AGENCIES)