Excelsior Correspondent
He said adequate promotion needs to be given to different schemes launched in rural development, labour, agriculture and employment sectors so that those living in rural areas are made aware of the benefits extended under various schemes.
“Panchayats can play a pivotal role in making people aware of various welfare programmes and development initiatives launched by the Government for all round development and benefit of all sections of the society,” he added.
Mr. Tara Chand was addressing a gathering on the occasion of mega awareness camp about State and Centrally sponsored schemes held at Khour, Akhnoor today.
District Development Commissioner, Jammu Sanjeev Verma, Sub-Divisional Magis-trate, Akhnoor N.S.Jamwal and other senior officers of various departments participated in the camp.
Underscoring the need to promote mass awareness about Government schemes, the Deputy Chief Minister said series of camps have been organized for making people aware about different welfare and employment schemes launched under SKEWPY, Urban Development and other departments for addressing the needs of people.
He called upon Panchayat representatives to play their role in making people aware of different Government schemes, as being nearer to people they are in a better position to serve their respective areas by properly identifying and executing the development works and welfare schemes.
He said Kissan Credit Card is an effective tool for providing soft loans to the farming community for different agriculture related activities and saves the farmer from the clutches of private lenders. He said to make the sector a profitable venture its scope needs to be extended to allied activities of bee keeping, dairy farming, sericulture, poultry and mushroom farming.
Mr. Tara Chand appealed the youth to avail optimum benefit from SKEWPY scheme, which not only ensures voluntary service allowance but promotes entrepreneur culture among the youth. He said need of the hour is to look beyond the Government sector and train the youth for facing challenges of the coming times.
He called upon all those workers engaged in the field of construction to get registered with the Labour Welfare Board meant for them, so as to avail a host of benefits extended to them, adding that all type of construction workers are covered under the scheme.