ASP Khaleel Ahmed Poswal releasing album titled ‘Chamunda Damnote Walia’ in a function held at Hotel Samrat, Udhampur on Sunday. The singer is Sushma Rajput while as writer of the Bhajans is Shivani Tak. The function was attended by IPS officer Rakesh Balwal, ACD, Joint Director, singer Nirmohi, Parkash Premi and others.

ASP Khaleel Ahmed Poswal releasing album titled ‘Chamunda Damnote Walia’ in a function held at Hotel Samrat, Udhampur on Sunday. The singer is Sushma Rajput while as writer of the Bhajans is Shivani Tak. The function was attended by IPS officer Rakesh Balwal, ACD, Joint Director, singer Nirmohi, Parkash Premi and others.
ASP Khaleel Ahmed Poswal releasing album titled ‘Chamunda Damnote Walia’ in a function held at Hotel Samrat, Udhampur on Sunday. The singer is Sushma Rajput while as writer of the Bhajans is Shivani Tak. The function was attended by IPS officer Rakesh Balwal, ACD, Joint Director, singer Nirmohi, Parkash Premi and others.

ASP Khaleel Ahmed Poswal releasing album titled ‘Chamunda Damnote Walia’ in a function held at Hotel Samrat, Udhampur on Sunday. The singer is Sushma Rajput while as writer of the Bhajans is Shivani Tak. The function was attended by IPS officer Rakesh Balwal, ACD, Joint Director, singer Nirmohi, Parkash Premi and others.