Art of Improving Click Speed for PvP Video Games 

We all want to win, but look around and you will find some players are naturally gifted with amazing reaction time, making them masters of the video gaming craft. It is fact that exceptional grade cognitive and motor skills come naturally, but research suggests most of the skills required to be a winner in action-adventure video game genres can be acquired or sharpened. If you are an avid player-v/s-player (PvP) video game fan, be it Counter-Strike, Valorant, Fortnite, World of Warcraft, or anything else, you know it is all about strategy and speed when it comes to winning.

You must have heard about the 14.1 per second click world. Sounds impossible, but you can measure your CPC and focus on improving your reaction time to stimulus. Reaction time (RT) is controlled by the central nervous system (CNS), meaning you can reduce the gap between input signals and mental and physical response by practicing certain time-tested methods such as cps tester to improve reaction time.

Tips to Improve Reaction Time for Video Gaming

Playing video games involves audio-visual sensory response, spatial and motor skills, and of course your mental process to react in sync in the quickest possible time according to game-playing strategy. Studies suggest reaction time could be improved without sacrificing accuracy. Action-adventure video games are designed to incentivize those with excellent reaction time at the cost of those who have relatively weaker reaction time.


Before you delve into tips to improve reaction time while playing your favorite shooting video game, you should be aware of the limitation that affects your reaction time. It is fact that reactions time weakens as one grows older, so pushing beyond the limit is not advisable. Your reflex and reaction depend on how hydrated you are. If you are dehydrated your reaction time will slow. Alcohol or any other depressant is bound to affect your thinking and response, resulting in a delayed reaction. The mind works best in a healthy body, so your fitness level decides your reaction time.

Practice Unlimited 

It is fact that the perfect functioning of the biomechanical system depends on ergonomics, environment, and of course, in this case, game-playing tips to improve click speed. But ask any sports coach, and an overwhelming unanimous vote will go in favor to practice, practice, and practice. Since video gaming is all about visual reaction time, one thing that matters most is practice. Of course, environmental familiarization and situational adjustments help in building habits, resulting in the autonomic reaction.

Keep Hand Fit 

A fully functional mind will help in video games only when your hand and figures are fit enough to react in sync. Studies suggest heat helps in improving cell movement, so keep your hand warm to speed up sensory input processing and reaction. If you are in the warm region maintain an optimum temperature and if you are in the cold climatic region keep your environment warm to get the best click speed. If you love coffee or tea, then keeping a hot cup of coffee or tea could be a booster. Try to keep your hand in a relaxing position with optimum support to minimize muscular stress. Learn to use two figures and keep distance between fingers to the minimum to get the best click speed results.

Device Quality Matters 

A perfect mind and body is no guarantee if your devices are substandard. Despite your best mental and physical abilities, you won’t get desired results if your equipment is not supporting. So, invest wisely to buy the best suitable equipment for your PvP gameplay. First of all, you should look into the Hz of your monitor as the higher the Hz better would be image processing by your brain, resulting in quick processing and response. Device input delay should be minimum. So you should aim for the minimum possible milliseconds of input delays.

Key Takeaways 

An average human reaction time is 200 to 300 milliseconds, enabling them to click 6-7 times per second. Since the world record is 14.1 CPC, one could definitely come closer to the number and be a winner of your favorite PvP video games. It all begins with knowing where you stand and the best possible way to do so is to start measuring your click speed. There are several tools available, like CPS Test, to measure and improve click speed and make video game playing more fun with better skill.