Army detects tunnel 50 meters inside India in Pallanwalla

Army tonight foiled a major plot by the militants to sneak in large number into Jammu and Kashmir from a tunnel dug about 50 meters inside the Indian territory with its origination in Pakistan, in forward area of Chakla along Munawar Tawi in Pallanwalla sector of Akhnoor tehsil.
Defence sources said the tunnel had been dug about 50 meters inside the Indian territory, leading from Pakistan, and it was detected during routine patrolling by the Army jawans tonight.
Army has cordoned off the area surrounding the tunnel to examine it tomorrow morning. However, sources said, the tunnel had sufficient space for infiltration of the militants. It originated from Pakistan from where the militants would have entered and come out on the Indian side.
The tunnel was about 50 meters inside Indian territory and Pakistan might have planned to dig it more to give safe passage to the militants.
“This was the new strategy the Pakistan was adopting for infiltration of the militants ahead of Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir as their normal intrusion bids on both LoC and IB have been successfully thwarted by the troops,’’ sources said.
GOC 16 Corps Lt Gen KH Singh had recently stated that about 150 to 200 militants were planning to infiltrate into the Indian territory from the LoC.
About couple of years back, a tunnel dug about 500 meters inside the Indian territory from Pakistan, was detected in Hiranagar sector.