Another corrupt practice

About 900 damaged transformers are lying in private repairing units in Kashmir and around 300 in Jammu region. The PDD’s own workshops are unable to take this load and their capacity is just to perform about 30-35 % work. The Department is mainly dependent on private firms. Private workshops have gone on a strike refusing to repair 1200 transformers. Imagine what will be the power supply position in both the regions when there are no signs of repaired transformers taking place of damaged and dysfunctional ones? And if the administration does not intervene speedily, the strike by the Jammu and Kashmir Transformers Manufacturers and Repairs Association is going to intensify with grave consequences that will put consumers at great disadvantage. The people in both the regions, already oppressed by shortage or frequent power cuts, will be face to face with disastrous situation.
This critical situation is created by the PDD which has kept liability to the tune of 35 crore rupees of private transformer repairing units pending for a long time. While 15 electric transformers manufacturing and repairing units exist in Kashmir region, about 17 such units exit in Jammu region. The PDD authorities have yet to clear the pending dues to the tune of Rs 20 crores of the unit holders from Kashmir region and nearly Rs 15 crores of the unit owners from Jammu province.
In the case of non-clearance of liabilities to private transformer repairing units, it is strange that the Minister in charge of Power Department is reported to have declined to meet with the delegation and listen to their complaints. Is this the way how issues can be resolved? Who suffers in the process and who creates that situation? It is the people who suffer and strangely at the hands of those whom they elect to speak for their problems and solve them. Good administration implies that the Ministers find time to meet with the delegations, listen to their problems, understand the situation, discuss with bureaucrats and then take a sensible and reasonable decision.