Animal personhood

The article “The trend towards animal personhood” dated January,28 by Dr Shabana is an excellent write up. The author has nicely taken up the cause of the voiceless creatures who are beaten, neglected and forced to struggle for survival. The article deals with the cruelty to animals. She has put the light on the efforts made by the international community to lessen the sufferings of the animals. Like the UDHR, there is a Universal Declaration of Animal rights also which states that the legal status of animals and their rights must be recognized by law. India has also enacted the’ Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’ law which deals with the animal welfare. Despite this the cruelty to animals is continuing. We can see overloaded animal driven vehicles. While transporting animals from one place to another, they are jampacked in the carrying vehicle. Sometimes they are covered from above especially when they are being transported illegally. They feel suffocated and some of them also die. Poultry birds are carried on cycles and motor cycles with their legs tied and heads downwards. One can see them crying in pain. The cruelty to animals includes starvation, dehydration, inadequate shelter in extreme weather conditions, inflicting injury and failure to get medical care in case of their illness.
The animals are our assets. They are tilling our fields, being used as means of transport, giving us milk, wool to protect us from cold and even their flesh for our food. In turn they only demand food, water and shelter along with their care which they are unable to do themselves. We should recognize the worth and intrinsic value of the animals and they should receive the compassion they deserve. The government should take animal cruelty seriously and increase public awareness of these crimes. If an injustice or cruelty is done to any person, he/she can lodge a complaint with the police and can also go to court. But when these voiceless creatures are subjected to cruelty, who will fight for them? Certainly it is our society. Be a voice of voiceless.
Ekta Vihar Kunjwani