Ajatshatru demands AIIMS for Jammu

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 27: Former Minister and Member Legislative Council, Ajatshatru Singh, has demanded immediate establishment of AIIMS in Jammu.
In a press statement issued here today, he expressed his concern over the AIIMS issue and stressed for an amicable solution so that the new Government in the State is able to take up various developmental issues of public interest without any hindrance.
He opined that due to unique geographical terrain of the State both the regions need to have independent medical facilities. The people of Jammu have already struggled for this long pending demand and should not be ignored in this regard.
He said, “Even during the Dogra Rule of more than hundred years, the two regions were given various institutions in a balanced manner as hospitals, roads, schools, and educational institutions were established across the State to provide fruits of development to all the citizens. The present Governments in the State and the Centre should continue that spirit of all-inclusive development that was a hallmark of developmental activities in the golden past of the State.
He further requested the Union Government to resolve the issue by immediately sanctioning another AIIMS for the State as it is not viable for the hill State to cover all the population from a single location. “Moreover, establishment of AIIMS in Jammu will also be beneficial for the adjoining areas of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh”, he added.


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