Aggrieved KAS officers want end to pick & choose policy, strict adherence to rules

*Implement decisions taken by SAC during cadre review

Mohinder Verma

JAMMU, May 15: Aggrieved over recent Government orders whereby junior and non-cadre officers were posted on highest posts, a number of aggrieved officers of Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Service (KAS) yesterday called on Chief Secretary B B Vyas and conveyed resentment over discriminatory treatment with them and frequent violation of the Transfer Policy.
Moreover, they also pointed out that while directions of the High Court on the issue were being violated frequently the General Administration Department, which is supposed to protect the interest of each and every officer, is either acting as mute spectator to the violations or becoming party to the same.
EXCELSIOR in its edition dated May 14 had exclusively highlighted that transfer of officers in blatant violation of policy laid down by the State Cabinet and posting of junior officers on higher posts have become a routine in the civil administration in Jammu and Kashmir thereby creating resentment among the neglected but eligible officers. Even numerous instances were quoted to substantiate how the rules and regulations were being thrown to winds by the Government.
According to the sources, a number of aggrieved officers particularly of 1999 and 2001 batch called on Chief Secretary B B Vyas at Civil Secretariat and conveyed resentment over grave injustice meted out to them during the recent transfers and postings. They explicitly told the Chief Secretary that pick and chose policy in the transfers and postings was demoralizing senior KAS officers and this would not auger well for the State administration if immediate full stop is not put on this exercise.
“The issue was also highlighted before the Government a number of times in the past but every time only assurances were given to set the things right but the recent transfer and posting orders have made it clear that there is no intention to ensure strict compliance to the rules and regulations as well as Transfer Policy laid down by the Cabinet”, sources said quoting the concern raised by the aggrieved KAS officers.
The Chief Secretary has reportedly told the aggrieved KAS officers that their concern would be kept in mind while making transfers and postings in future. However, whether the wrong committed by the Government would be undone was not assured by the Chief Secretary, sources regretted.
Sources, who are privy to the discussion, said that KAS officers also brought to the notice of Chief Secretary that recent orders were also in violation of the explicit directions of the High Court issued on April 26, 2016.
While disposing of a Miscellaneous Application (MP) moved by certain officers, the High Court had clarified that if on account of administrative exigencies officiating promotions etc are required to be made the competent authority would be at liberty to lay motion in respect thereto before the court. “However, no such motion was laid before the High Court prior to the placement of junior KAS officers on senior positions”, sources said.
“It is a matter of serious concern that General Administration Department which is supposed to ensure strict adherence to the High Court directions besides implementation of rules and regulations in letter and spirit is either acting as mute spectator or facilitating posting of junior officers on senior positions”, they said, adding “not only this the GAD is also becoming party to the orders vis-à-vis posting of non-KAS officers as Heads of the Department, which otherwise are required to be filled by posting Special Scale KAS officers”.
They said that intensity of pick and chose policy can further be gauged from the fact that KAS officers have yet not been given the posts which were identified during the cadre review.
The State Administrative Council vide Decision No.62/8/2016 dated April 2, 2016 had accorded sanction for creation of posts in the KAS cadre. As per this decision, several posts like those of Commissioners of Jammu and Srinagar Municipal Corporations were required to be filled by posting senior KAS officers on deputation but till date no compliance has been shown to this decision.
“It seems that Government wants KAS officers of different batches to be pitted against each other instead of ensuring that nobody is left with any grievance and everybody works for the betterment of the State”, sources regretted.