After end, a beginning

Excelsior Correspondent
Book Title: The End
Author : Karanvir Gutpa
There comes a time in the lifetime when we not only start doubting ourselves, but also our past, present and the future. We are left helpless, hopeless and clueless about where we go on from here. 2020 was one such year in the history of mankind.
The book The End is a personal tale of an incorrigible human world that was caught in the trap of unprecedented circumstances, sequence of events, and their endless desire to consume more of everything that they have created for self-comfort. The book is set at the backdrop of the world pandemic that hit the entire world in the year 2020.
The book The End is a reflection of all what humans went through during the pandemic. The world they had created for themselves and how the pandemic arrived, caught us by surprise and questioned the status quo. All that humans had gathered and accumulated over the period of its exponential evolution in the last 30 years was rendered useless and futile in a jiffy. The book is a story of The Rise and The Fall of the Human Empire – by an invisible virus.
The book is about a long drawn battle for the survival of the human race. It is a compelling narrative on humans battling the virus and their inner demons at the same time. It is about the dwindling moral compass, the vices, the evolution and further need for evolving as a race (and as an individual). It is an amalgamation of multiple emotions that transpired from one lockdown to another and one phase of unlocking transcending to another.. The book End is an epiphany of quite a few realisations that we would have conveniently ignored or deliberately chose to neglect if not for the pandemic.
This book is your and mine watchdog. It is for you, me and each one of us to share with our future generations. It is a gift from us to us. The author leaves us with a ray of hope – in the book – that maybe tomorrow the sun will shine and the world would be a better place to live. Sometimes, it is easy to believe that it is The End of the world and us, but that is the time to muster all the courage, stand up and own our mistakes and shout out to the world – Let us Live again! And remember that after each end, there is a new beginning – there is a new normal towards which all of us will have to work together.
The book is available for purchase on Amazon and Bluerose publisher’s website.
(The author Karanvir is a marketer by profession and an author by passion.)