Adopt latest techniques to enhance professional capabilities: Prasad

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 6: Director General of Police (DGP), Ashok Prasad has asked for adopting latest techniques to improve policing for better public service. He said that updating of records and better management of manpower would help in enhancing the capabilities of professional policing.
Mr. Prasad was inspecting Jammu Zone Police Headquarters (ZPHQ), here this morning. He said that efficient utilization of manpower and latest techniques of investigation would help in crime control in the State.
“Maintenance of law and order and safety of people is the prime responsibility of Jammu and Kashmir Police and all required efforts will be taken to maintain lasting peace in the State”, said the DGP.
The DGP said that the computerisation and use of Information Technology (IT) in updating records and procedure of investigation would prove beneficial for the organisation and by this way the investigators would be able to domain into the crime network.
Methods used by the criminals are posing challenge to the investigation agencies and to overcome the situation police needs to be equipped with latest instruments and techniques, said Mr. Prasad.
During his first visit to ZPHQ, after opening of darbar in Jammu, Mr. Prasad visited various sections of police officers run from the premises, including Crime and Traffic. He interacted with the officials and thoroughly discussed various issues with regard to functioning of these sections. He enquired about the procedures of documentation and updating of records.
Mr. Prasad stressed to bring improvements in the day-to-day working to get efficient results. He said that combination of dedication, expertise and latest techniques would help in bringing about more improvements in public service, which is the main motto of the force.
About maintaining up-to-date G. P. fund accounts of more than 80,000 police personnel, the DGP expressed satisfaction over the working of the concerned officials and said that every effort would be made to maintain transparency into the procedures.
He also inspected the ongoing constructions in the premises including Traffic Control Room.
DIG Traffic Jammu Zone, Shakeel Ahmed Beig and Executive Engineer (PCD), N. D. Khawaja, briefed the DGP about these constructions. He asked the officers to equip the Control Room with latest system of communication network and monitoring, which could help in regulating the surface traffic in the Zone.
Later, Mr. Prasad convened a meeting of police officers at ZPHQ and took stock of the functioning of the Zonal police, crime and traffic. Inspector General of police, Dilbag Singh briefed the DGP about the working of Jammu Police.
IGP Crime, Abdul Ghani Mir also briefed the meeting about the progress achieved in various cases registered with the Wing. He said that latest methods have been introduced to enhance the capabilities of investigation and the criminals are brought to book within a shortest period of time.
Among others, the DGP was accompanied by IGPs, M. Sulaiman Salaria, Dr. Kamal Saini, DIGPs, S. S. Khandre, J. P. Singh and K. L. Bagat, SSPs, Manmohan Singh, Nisar Ahmed and Prabat Singh, SPs, M. L. Mehra and Romesh Kumar Angral, Chief Accounts Officer, Prem Lata Patial and other police officers.