Addressing acid attack crimes

The recent verdict by Principal Sessions Judge Srinagar in the case of a brutal acid attack on a woman in 2022 underscores the critical need for justice in cases of such heinous crimes. The life sentence and substantial fine imposed on the perpetrator, sent a powerful message about society’s stance against such atrocities.
However, beyond this singular case lies a deeper issue. Acid attacks inflict not just physical but also psychological and emotional scars, highlighting systemic challenges such as gender-based violence and inadequate victim support systems. While the Court’s recognition of the victim’s plight and the financial burden she faces is commendable, more comprehensive action is needed.
We must address the root causes of such crimes and bolster support mechanisms for victims. This entails not only stringent legal measures but also access to quality healthcare, rehabilitation services, and financial assistance.
As a society, we must unite to combat acts of violence and strive towards creating a safer and more equitable environment for all.
Arvind Sharma