Address issues of DRWs, contractual employees: NPP

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 31: Inviting the attention of the Chief Minister  Mehbooba Mufti towards the pathetic plight of daily rated, consolidated and contractual employees working in various State Govt Deptts,  chairman of the NPP and former Minister Harsh Dev Singh today appealed  her to personally address the genuine concerns of such marginalized sections of employees. He said that thousands  of  educated youths  had been engaged in various Govt Deptts  as DRWs, casual, need based, contractual, academic arrangement and consolidated basis on negligible wages which too had remained unpaid for months and years.
Making a particular mention of some of the said categories, he regretted that DRWs and other non- regularized employees of PHE, PWD, M&RE, Health, Tourism, TDAs, Education, Forests etc were agitating for redressal of their grievances since long but the concerned authorities had failed to respond despite repeated assurances. He flayed in particular, the non release of their wages for period ranging from 18 to 24 months thus forcing their families to starvation. He strongly condemned in particular the disregard and failure of the concerned to release the emoluments of the said categories of employees on Diwali eve thus creating huge resentment among them.
Appealing the Chief Minister to personally  intervene for  ameliorating the lot   of  these deprived categories  of employees , Mr Singh sought timely release of their wages with immediate steps for regularization of their services and enhancement of emoluments in consonance with the doctrine of  ‘Equal pay for equal work’ propounded by the apex court of the country.
Decrying the payment of lesser wages to contractuals against their regular counterparts, Mr Singh said that the Govt policy was not only discriminatory but also violation of constitutional guarantees. He said that even the Supreme Court in its latest judgment delivered last week has observed that denying equal pay for equal work to temporary employees was oppressive, suppressive and coercive as it compelled involuntary subjugation.
Mr Singh made a fervent appeal to the Chief Minister to address the issue of employees on priority as lakhs of family members were dependent on such employees who numbered more than a hundred thousands.


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