Achieving zero emission levels


Towards accentuating the problems of carbon dioxide emission at global levels, India is among the countries with negligible contribution while for fighting out the menace and threat of increasing such levels, India is taking a positive lead with more stress on green energy and adopting more of renewable route towards achieving zero levels of emission. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been suggesting at international forums, the use of such energy by more advanced countries and has himself committed the challenging target by India to be achieved by 2070, say in less than 50 years. This timeline going by the planning and scheduling the switch over to eco friendly energy in the country, therefore, enjoins upon one and all in each sphere of economic activity to popularise and adopt green energy for which a more comprehensive National Policy needs to be framed. However, only within 9 years say by 2030, India embarking upon a challenging task of 50 percent of its energy sourced via renewable energy and making it known at the global meet of Conference Of Parties (COP)-26 in Glasgow which the Prime Minister attended is no mean projection and no ordinary achievement.