Many States in the country have abolished interview practice in the recruitment at lower level posts. There are yet several States to follow the suggestions of Prime Minister Narendra Modi regarding abolition of interview for the lower rung posts. Our State of J&K is also lagging behind in the implementation of the scheme. Interview practice being old one, has all along created doubt and suspicious among the candidates aspiring for Govt. service. The practice has its own loopholes. Favouritism chances are quite legitimate in the said process and transparency in the interview system is impossible. We have observed this system since long and now it has to be avoided. The abolition of interview practice will be greatly beneficial for the meritorious students and for those who are uninfluential. Sometimes, it also happens that candidates having high merit for a job get rejected in the interviews. Abolition of interview at junior level posts will certainly curb competition and transparency will be ensured. Often there are complaints from meritorious candidates about their rejection in the selection list after performing better in the written test. Interview system cannot hold any significance after conducting competitive examination of the aspirants.
Our State Govt should also take necessary decision with regard to abolition of interview system in the State and involve recruiting agencies to discontinue the same so that selections can be done only through proper examination.
Yours etc…
S N Raina