9 bovines rescued, 2 drivers arrested

Excelsior Correspondent
POONCH, July 15: The Police rescued nine bovine animals and arrested two persons at Behramgala on Mughal Road today.
Official sources said that a Police party from Behramgala Post, during naka checking seized two vehicles bearing Registeration No JK05F/ 7730 driven by Shoaib Hussain, son of Manzar Hussain, from Gursai tehsil Mendhar and Tata Mobile bearing Reg. No. JK12A /4356 driven by Mohd Rashid Son Manzoor Hussain from Gursai, which were carrying bovines without any legal permission. Both the drivers were arrested and vehicles seized.
In this connection case FIR No. 179/2019 U/S 188 RPC 3PCAct, Case FIR No 180/2019 U/S 188 RPC 3PCAct have been registered and investigation initiated.


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