80 pc reduction in militancy related incidents: Omar

80 pc reduction in militancy related incidents: Omar
80 pc reduction in militancy related incidents: Omar

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Aug 14: Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today said there has been 80 per cent reduction in militancy related incidents in the State during the last five-and-a-half years.
“There has been an improvement in peace and security situation in the State during the last more than five and a half years. 80 per cent reduction has been achieved in the militancy related incidents,” the Chief Minister said in his Independence Day message.
Omar said all schools and hospitals, which had been occupied by security forces, have been vacated.
“1000 private buildings, 300 Government buildings, 40 hotels and 30 industrial units have also been cleared from the security forces’ occupation,” he said.
Omar said about 350 youth have returned to  the State from Pakistan occupied Kashmir under his Government’s rehabilitation policy.
“Rehabilitation policy has been introduced for the youth who had crossed the LoC and wanted to return back to normal life. 350 youth have returned under this policy so far,” he said.
The Chief Minister said Passport Policy has been made people-friendly and No Objection Certificates for three lakh passports had been accorded during the last five years.
“1850 youth have been benefited under the Amnesty Policy. Warrants under Public Safety Act (PSA) have been brought down 50 per cent in last about six years from 2500 in 2008 to 1420 by now,” he said.
He said as many as 54 bunkers have also been removed from Srinagar city during the tenure of his Government so far.
Omar said with the improvement in the situation, the number of tourists visiting the State had increased year after year.
“During the period from 2003-2008, 24 lakh tourists visited Kashmir as against 50 lakhs during the period from 2008-2014 so far, which is likely to go up to 55 lakhs by the end of the year,” he said.
The Chief Minister said return of migrant Kashmiri Pandits to their native land has been his cherished desire and his Government worked with the Union Government to provide a befitting economic package to the community.
“My Government has given a new proposal to the Union Government for enhancing economic package for Kashmiri Pandits. I hope that the new Government at the Centre would take early necessary action in this regard,” he said.
On the occasion, the Chief Minister presented an overview of the major achievements registered his Government during last about six years in the main sectors of roads, water supply, power, education and health.
He also referred to the growth and improvement registered in agriculture, horticulture and allied sectors and listed the measures taken for youth welfare, empowerment of people and curbing the corruption.
Omar said creating new Administrative Units across the State particularly in remote and backward areas has taken Government to the doorsteps of the people and Government’s promise in this regard has been fulfilled.
Omar said under a long term strategy, he tried to provide a platform to the youth so that they can prove their mettle both within the State and the outside.
“The initiative of Sher-e-Kashmir Employment & Welfare Programme for the Youth (SKEWPY) is an important step in this direction. 16,000 youth have been benefited by way of receiving seed money under SKEWPY while Rs 50 crore has been yearly provided to the unemployed youth as unemployment allowance.
“On the employment front, my Government provided one lakh jobs to the youth in Government departments during the last five years, whereas over 50,000 jobs were provided in the private sector,” he said.
The Chief Minister mentioned the employee-friendly measures taken by his Government, saying it sanctioned 6th pay commission and its arrears to the employees besides enhancing retirement age from 58 to 60 years and age limit for obtaining Government jobs from 37 to 40 years.
He also referred to the service benefits given to ReTs and said the age limit for full pension benefit has been reduced to 28 years.
Omar said his Government, without imposing new taxes, achieved 300 per cent increase in tax collection and 250 per cent increase in revenue collection during the last about six years. (PTI)