Student politics

This has reference to the article ‘Student politics in Jammu and Kashmir’ DE May 29.
The author has pleaded the cause of student community’s participation in elections very cogently, but keeping the present circumstances prevailing in the State, prudence lies in the fact that there should be no student elections at all.
These elections will worsen the situation further instead of making it better. Politicians who  always remain in search of issues will try to poke their noses into it to achieve their vested interests, as has happened with Panchayat elections. The Panchayat elections are to be fought on non party basis. But it  has been observed that nothing like that happens. Political parties make their proxies fight election on their behalf, and thereby remain involved in the functioning of Panchayats directly or indirectly. So is the case with student bodies. They will also dye themselves in the colour they would deem fit.
The student  community should therefore focus more on academics than on the politics.
Yours  etc…
Ranjeet Singh


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