Show cause notice to Naik on why passport shouldn’t be revoked

NEW DELHI: Controversial Islamic preacher Zakir Naik, wanted in connection with alleged terror funding cases, has been served with a show cause notice by passport authorities asking him why his travel document should not be revoked.

Fifty-one-year-old Naik, who was issued a notice last week, has been asked to submit a reply in person by July 13, official sources said.

He is being probed for terror and money laundering charges by the National Investigation Agency (NIA). He fled from India on July 1, 2016 after terrorists in neighbouring Bangladesh claimed that they were inspired by his speeches on waging jihad.

It is unlikely that Naik, who has been served summons by the NIA on earlier occasions, will turn up before the passport authorities in Mumbai.

According to ‘Middle East Monitor’, an online news portal on developments in Middle East, Naik has already been granted citizenship of Saudi Arabia. There was no independent verification to this so far. (AGENCIES)