Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 23: Surprise checking squads of Drugs and Food Control Organization conducted simultaneous raids of establishments dealing with food and drug articles across the Jammu province.
The squads were headed by Assistant Controller Drugs and Designated Officers. 774 Drug Sale Establishments were checked and 278 numbers of samples of various categories of drugs were lifted for checking their quality. 42 drug outlets were closed down for selling drugs in contravention to the legal provisions. Action against 48 establishments is under process and will be initiated by invoking administrative/legal provisions.
138 number of food establishments were checked and improvement notices served under the provisions of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. Stress was laid to upgrade the infrastructure in road side Dabhas with an objective to improve hygienic conditions. 25 food samples were lifted for checking their quality.
The trade fraternity dealing the drugs was sensitized to the relevance of storage conditions especially when it comes to stocking/sale of vaccines.
The Dy. Controller Drug and Food Control Organization Jammu has informed that such drives will take place at regular intervals for improvement of services in health sector.