JAMMU: Minister for Science and Technology Sajad Gani Lone said today that the government has distributed 40,714 solar home lights (SHLs) and 1,957 solar street lights (SSLs) in last two years.
Six hundred solar street lights were distributed in Gurez, Bandipora in addition to those distributed in the State, the Minister said in a written reply to a question by PDP MLC Firdous Ahmad Tak in the Legislative Council today.
Lone informed that 34,483 SHLs and 2,408 SSLs were procured under Remote Villages Electrification Programme and 10,000 SHLs were procured under Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) programme by adopting e-tendering mode.
“These solar home lights have been procured from TATA Power Solar System Ltd, Bangalore at the unit rate of Rs 9,581 and solar street lights from Social Engineers Private Limited, Dehradun (W-LED based) at the unit rate of Rs 12,599,” he added. (AGENCIES)