4000 contempt petitions, unbelievable?

As to which of the reasons specific, are responsible for there being as many as four thousand contempt petitions pending against the Government in Srinagar wing of the High Court , much needs to be known but what is more important is how to prevent this trend from becoming a sort of a routine or a fait accompli for the Government. Chief Secretary has, therefore directed the administrative Secretaries to take prompt decision in each case. When directions of the court are not followed or appeals etc are not preferred in time, or cogent reasons of non compliance are not submitted in the court, that leads to constituting of a contempt of the court. It is , therefore, necessary that case to case study is necessary and action taken to dispose of the matter to the satisfaction of the court.
In the course of hearing of a matter in an open court on November 30, the Chief Justice has observed that approximately 4000 contempt petitions were pending before the High Court at Srinagar alone. The Chief Justice further observed that in case the court directives were not complied with , the court would be constrained to summon the Administrative Secretaries and Heads of the Departments for non- compliance from the next week. The ball, therefore is in the court of the Government which must take a call and that too seriously. It does not speak all well about the functioning of the State Administrative apparatus and the Legal Department must also ask for clarifications from and hold Legal Officers accountable for such state of affairs.