Almost every type of protest which is permitted by the law has been made by the estranged PHE workers who appear to have many genuine reasons to agitate as most of their demands are meriting resolution.
It is now a regular feature for us to see their agitation in newer ways day by day. Recently they made a bonfire of the books of their school going children as they have no money, since they have been paid no wages, pay etc for many many months.
They seem to have been pushed to the extreme end and it is astonishing to find that no one from the Government is ready to listen to them and remove their miseries.
Unless the State takes care of employees, how can it hold them accountable for dereliction of duty, or for non performance? At numerous places, water pipes are leaking and water gets wasted out, at many places, man agent of supply of water is unsatisfactory. There are various other issues which could be tackled by a committee team of employees but the very fact that they are not carted for is unfortunate.
Yours etc….
Amit Sharma