Young actresses are under a lot of pressure: Maggie Smith

LONDON, Mar 3:  Veteran actress Maggie Smith has praised the young lot of actresses for being brave as she feels it has become hard to survive in the film industry now.
The 82-year-old actress said she does not think she would be able to make it big in the showbiz if she had joined it now, reported Female First.
“I think they are so brave, the young actresses of today. They seem to have to strip off every second. I can’t imagine how they cope with it today, I really don’t. They are required to do the most extraordinary things.
“If I was asked to start now, I just don’t think I could, seriously. It’s difficult to imagine myself at that age because girls are starting even younger than how young I was (when I started). I think it’s very, very, very hard now,” Smith said. (PTI)