YAIKS organises citizens meet, warns Govt

KP leaders at a citizens meet at Jammu on Sunday.
KP leaders at a citizens meet at Jammu on Sunday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 5: The Youth All India Kashmir Samaj organized a “citizens meet” at Durganagr near here today which was presided over by R K Bhat President YAIKS.
Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, president Panun Kashmir and Chairman KP Joint Action was chief guest on the occasion while Munish Sharma, Incharge All Morchas, BJP J&K State and Swami Kumar Ji were the guests of honour.
Kuldeep Pandita, President Thinkers Forum, Pushkar Nath Pandita and Mohan Lal Pandita advisors of YAIKS also spoke and were present at dais.
Welcome address was presented by Sanjeev Koul, Coordinator Valley Posted Migrant Employees while as vote of thanks was presented by Sanjay Ganjoo – secretary YAIKS. The stage was managed by Manoj Handoo general secretary YAIKS
Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo in his address explained the fundamental contours of the Comprehensive Political Agenda (CPA). He said that in view of the changing circumstances we all need to review the methods of struggle. The Government has to be apprised about the priorities of the community. The core political issues concerning the geo political rights of the people have been taken up with the GOI through the appropriate political channel. He appealed to the people to support the unity initiative and also asked all right thinking people to join the initiative.
R K Bhat in his key note address gave details of the events that formed the ‘KP Joint Action’. He said that it has become the hope of the younger generation now after undergoing a long struggle of 27 years in exile. The YAIKS has a history of struggle for the rights of the youth at its back. Bhat said the “Vision Document” launched by YAIKS recently for the welfare of Valley posted migrant employees titled “Aakhir Kab Tak”. Is our serious concern.. The Government. has failed to ensure safety and rehabilitation of just 1800 employees and the loud talk of return of the whole community seems a mockery. “We demand a re-look into the entire structure of the employees’ rehabilitation after a serious dialogue with the concerned representatives of the community”, he added.
He said all Valley posted migrant employees (PM Package/Non PM Package) be treated at par with other Kashmiri Migrant Employees till the Vision document is fully implemented by the Government KP Joint Action has already asked the concerned Ministers in the Government about the woes of the VPME and we need to pursue the subject on an argument basis.
Munish Sharma, while addressing lauded the Kashmiri Pandits for their unflinching support to BJP. He said that BJP remains committed to the cause of the Pandits and this relationship over the last more than three decades has been a source of strength for the nationalist cause in this frontier State. He also referred to the Diaspora of KPs that has been the pillar of PM Modi’s overseas galvanization.
Swami Kumar Ji showered praises and his blessings on the united move.
Kuldeep Pandita expressed his full support to the unity concept.