VP Dhankhar confers SCOPE Awards to PSEs

Vice-President of India, Jagdeep Dhankhar Chairing an award function in New Delhi on Friday.
Vice-President of India, Jagdeep Dhankhar Chairing an award function in New Delhi on Friday.

Excelsior Correspondent

NEW DELHI, Jan 19: Vice-President of India, Jagdeep Dhankhar conferred the Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) Awards in an event held here today.
Sandeep Kumar Gupta, Chairman, SCOPE, Atul Sobti, Director General, SCOPE and Brajesh Kumar Uphdadhyay, Vice Chairman, SCOPE was also present on the dais.
Speaking on the occasion, the Vice-President commended the potential and capability of the Public Sector Enterprises by calling them the pride of the Nation and spine of the Indian economy.
He appreciated the rich human resources of the PSEs and also guided them to optimise their talent pool, take initiatives towards research and development while embracing emerging and disruptive technologies.
Chairman, SCOPE, Sandeep Kumar Gupta said that PSEs have come a long way playing a balanced role in ensuring economic development, social justice and employment generation and these awards have been instituted cognizant of the varied initiatives of PSEs in the nation’s growth.
In his address Director General, SCOPE, Atul Sobti said that commemorating the achievements of the Public Sector, SCOPE Awards are a festival of PSEs’ achievements, as they reverberate and celebrate the undying spirit and incessant role of PSEs as nation builders.
He further added that SCOPE as the apex body of PSEs will continue to take newer initiatives for enhancing performance and competitiveness of PSEs while showcasing their achievements on national and international forums.
The function was attended by Senior Government Officials from various Ministries & Departments of Government; senior officials from PSEs and national, international associates of SCOPE.