Vanishing languages

This is in reference to the letter, ‘Environment and Language’ by Dr. Shiben Krishen Raina, May 12,  2018.
I fully agree with the the author  that a language is an important component of a culture and if we are unable to speak and understand our language, slowly and gradually, it will not only hamper our culture but also our own identity. The main issue with our present generation especially in urban areas is  that it hardly speaks or understands its mother tongue.
The problem does not lie with only children but the parents as well who do not want their children to speak in  mother tongue,  with the result, it starts losing relevance.
In the end I just want to say, unless we  have attachment with our culture and identity, it will be difficult to save our vanishing languages.
Yours etc….
Sakshi Sharma
Ph.D Research Scholar
Trikuta Nagar