Used as quarantine facility, Pulwama schools wear dilapidated look

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, May 17: A private school building taken up here as a quarantine facility has been rendered to shambles due to official apathy and uncaring attitude of people put up in the facility.
There are several such school buildings in the district that have been earmarked as quarantine facility by the district administration have been turned into garbage dumps.
The case in point is of a school which was considered as one of the beautiful schools with high-end infrastructure now depicts scene of an abandoned building of some horror movie.
The school was taken up as a quarantine facility initially after the imposition of the country-wide lockdown.
As per eyewitnesses, gates, LEDs, washbasins and furniture have been broken, washrooms blocked, walls and ceiling leaking, granite and marble stairs damaged, campus filled with bird droppings, corridors filled with piles of cigarette bits, walls damaged and campus serving as a car washing center for people quarantined.
The concerned people said that in spite of repeatedly bringing the issue into the notice of the higher-ups, there has been no response from them.
“Irony is that despite giving repeated reminders to the authorities no official is ready to respond or take responsibility. Finally, a written representation with a lot of hopes was sent to DC Pulwama but that also was left unanswered and ignored,” the concerned people said.
They added that what would have been the response of the officers if it would have been a Govt building. The same is expected here. “This is not merely a building. This is a school where a lot of inspirations grow and aspirations harbor. An educational institution must not be ruined just because it is a private one,” they said.
They added that at the initial stage of the pandemic when the administration was running with a lot of confusion and worry to establish quarantine facilities, “we came forward with our infrastructure and school buses to help the administration with a passion to serve our society and kept our buses & buildings in service till date”. “But unfortunately, the administration never took responsibility to protect it,” they said.
Deputy Commissioner, Pulwama Dr Raghav Langer told Excelsior that he will look into the matter.