US NSA to hold trilateral dialogue with Japan and S Korea

Washington, Aug 31: US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan will hold a trilateral dialogue with his counterparts from Japan and South Korea in Hawaii on September 1, the White House announced Tuesday.
The meeting assumes significance amidst the growing tension in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly with China engaging in security drills following the Taiwan visit of United States House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Sullivan, Japan’s National Security Secretariat Secretary General Akiba Takeo, and Republic of Korea’s Director of the National Security Office Kim Sung-han will meet at the Headquarters of the United States Indo-Pacific Command in Honolulu, Hawaii on September 1, the White House said.
“The officials will meet bilaterally on August 31. After the bilateral meeting, Sullivan will visit the United States Indo-Pacific Command to discuss our alliances in defense of the free and open Indo-Pacific,” the media announcement said. (PTI)