US Justice Dept sues Texas over new bill that tightens rules on voting by mail – Filing

Washington, Nov 5: The US Justice Department filed a lawsuit against the state of Texas challenging its legislation that places strict rules on voting by mail, according to the complaint.
“In this action, the United States challenges provisions of SB [Senate Bill] 1 that deny eligible voters meaningful assistance in the voting booth and require rejection of mail ballot materials for immaterial errors or omissions,” the complaint said on Thursday. “These provisions violate Section 208 of the Voting Rights Act… and Section 101 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.”
Texas Governor Greg Abbott said in response to the lawsuit that the new voting legislation is legal and reiterated that the law restricts illegal mail ballot voting and makes ballot harvesting a felony.
The legislation bans drive-through voting and public officials from sending unsolicited absentee ballot applications, further restricts voting by mail. The measure also makes it easier to overturn an election based on fraud allegations and provides poll watchers more access where election activity takes place to ensure the integrity of the election process.
Democrats have said they believe the measure will suppress votes from Black and Hispanic voters in their districts and have compared it to racially discriminatory laws that existed during the 20th Century.