Unscheduled power cuts

Jammu region especially Jammu city has been experiencing worstever power senario this season. The Power Development department has totally failed to provide uninterrupted power supply to consumers. It is quite strange that power cut schedules advertised in print media is not being implemented anywhere at all.
There are sudden power cuts and hundreds of trips day and night. People are fed up with this mockery. What is going on in the PDD is beyond our understanding.
If there is any major problem (fault) in the maintenance of power supply put the facts before the people so that the consumers get mentally prepared for the longer black outs and curtails.
Power fluctuations, repeated cuts and hundreds of trips day and night has put the electronic machines such as Air Conditioners and fredges at the risk of being damaged any time.
Power Development authorities are requested to work on war footing utilizing all possible resources to get the power supply restored to give respite to its consumers to face the harsh climatic conditions.
Avtar Krishan Razdan