Unity and integrity is strength of our country: Naidu

NEW DELHI:  Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Friday said people should protect the nation’s unity and integrity which ”is the strength of our country”.

He was interacting with members of a delegation from National Foundation of Communal Harmony, who  presented him a flag sticker on the occasion of ‘Communal Harmony Campaign week’, here.

The Vice President said the people should protect and follow the rich cultural heritage of our motherland  inherited from our forefathers. He further said our culture is more ancient than many others in the world. Irrespective of caste, creed, race or religion we are all one, he emphasised.

India, he said, was once known as ‘vishwaguru’ and students from several countries used to come here and study in Indian universities such as Takshashila, Nalanda and other centres of learning.

The situation had changed following Mughal invasions and British colonisation and now the time had come for India to once again emerge as the global knowledge hub, he added. He wished the students all the best, an official release here said. (AGENCIES)