Unfair Representation in Jammu Jottings Column

I pen down this letter with deep concern and disappointment upon reading the recent article in Daily Excelsior, particularly in the “Jammu Jottings column. As the president of Nami Dogri Sanstha, I find myself deeply insulted by the disheartening portrayal of our Dogra Icon, Late Padam Shree Padma Sachdev.
It is disconcerting that a reputed personality like Padma Sachdev is being tarnished , and I question how such content has found its way into your well read publication. The promotion of Anil Sehgal , whose articles seem to disproportionately focus on the glory of his wife Seema Anil Sehgal, gives the impression of a biased agenda rather than fair journalism.
The Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages, should not be a platform for individuals like Anil Sehgal to further personal agendas. Padma Sachdev, a Dogra pride , has been posthumously honoured, and her contribution is acknowledged with the Women College Gandhi Nagar now being named as “Padma Sachdev Memorial Women College. ”
Harish Kaila
President Nami Dogri Sanstha.Regd.



The write-Up on Padma Sachdeva is not only controversial or biased but an unnecessary attempt to infringe into the personal lives of the erstwhile couple who are not now in a position to defend themselves. Instead of highlighting her contribution, the writer has veildely tried to hit someone below the belt. The personal life has been discussed more than the her literally work. Young generation of Jammu, born after 1980, needed to know more of her contribution to Dogri than her marital discord. Distasteful.
Rajesh Bhat