UN launches humanitarian appeals for Burkina Faso

United Nations, Mar 5: The United Nations launched humanitarian appeals worth 620.4 million US dollars for two landlocked countries — Burkina Faso and Malawi.
The Burkina Faso 2022 humanitarian response plan seeks 591 million dollars to help 3 million vulnerable people, said the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
Burkina Faso suffers from the effects of COVID-19, climactic variances and violence at the hands of non-state groups operating through the Sahel, said OCHA.
The outlook for 2022 indicates a probable worsening of the situation in Burkina Faso. Despite insecurity and access constraints, aid workers and organizations have stayed and are delivering.
The three-month flash appeal for Malawi seeks 29.4 million dollars, focusing on six districts hit hardest by Tropical Storm Ana, where an estimated 680,000 people require humanitarian assistance and protection, the office said. The humanitarians hope to provide vital relief to 542,000 people.
The Malawi appeal brings together 44 partners, including 10 UN agencies, and complements government relief efforts, OCHA said.
The United Nations earlier released 3 million dollars from its Central Emergency Relief Fund but said Malawi needed further support.