UK terror attack: Prez for intensifying fight against terrorism

Never aspired for Prime Ministership: Pranab Mukherjee
Never aspired for Prime Ministership: Pranab Mukherjee

NEW DELHI:  The recurring terror attacks across the globe are a grim reminder of the need to intensify the global fight against terrorism, President Pranab Mukherjee said today.

In a letter to Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, Mukherjee conveyed his condolences on the lives lost in Monday’s terror attack in Manchester.

“We are deeply shocked by the terror attack in Manchester. India condemns this heinous attack in strongest terms. We stand in solidarity with the people and the Government of the United Kingdom in this difficult hour,” he said.

The president said this is not an attack just against the UK and its people but it is against humanity and “the values that we all live for”.

“These repeated terror attacks are a grim reminder, yet again, of the need for us to intensify the global fight against terrorism. India is fully committed to working with the UK and the international community in defeating these evil forces,” Mukherjee said.

He said: “The people of India join me in conveying our sincere condolences for those whom we have lost. Our prayers are also with the injured. I wish them a speedy recovery”.

22-year-old Libyan-origin Salman Abedi was identified as the perpetrator behind the attack at a concert of American pop star Ariana Grande. A total of 22 people lost their lives in the attack that left children and youngsters wounded.

The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the bombing and warned of more such attacks. (AGENCIES)