Ubuntu Linux awareness-cum-training prog organized

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 16: On the instructions of the Chief Justice of High Court M. M Kumar and Justice Mansoor Ahmad Mir, Judge Incharge e-Court committee, High Court of Jammu & Kashmir, the training on “Ubuntu Linux Awareness-cum-Training Program under Change Management” for remaining Judicial officers of Jammu Province was held on June 15 and 16, 2013 at State Judicial Academy Jammu which was organized by e-Committee, High Court of J&K.
Judicial officers of Jammu Province were imparted training on use of Ubuntu Operating System customized by e-Committee, Supreme Court of India. The training was conducted by Master Trainers Parvaiz Iqbal and Sarfaraz Nawaz Judicial Magistrates.
Master Trainers expressed that Ubuntu is a computer operating system based on the Debian Linux distribution and distributed as free and open source software, using its own desktop environment. It is named after the South African philosophy of Ubuntu, which can be translated as “humanity towards others” or “the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity.
The key purpose of the Training Program is to aware the Judicial Officers on the use of Ubuntu Operating System and other applications which are open source and can be easily installed. This Operating System has low virus threat, very stable, secure and having an enormous free software library. If one have a look at the speed, Ubuntu Operating System loads quickly on any computer. With the absence of unnecessary programs and trial software turning down the speed, booting up the machine and opening a program/application say “web browser” takes less time. One strong feature is that Ubuntu Operating System does not get slow after the passage of some time. It’s fast and it stays fast. Application like GeSpeaker used for converting text to speech, stardict for talking dictionary, Xournal is a PDF application that is used to edit documents saved in PDF format etc. Such programs will enhance the confidence of Judicial Officers in making use of ICT tools and will help them in making Speedy Justice delivery System.
Jagdish Thakur (Faculty member) J&K State Judicial Academy Jammu, was also present during the training session at State Judicial Academy Jammu. Kiran Kumar Koul Incharge NIC, High Court of J&K at Jammu and e-Court technical Staff namely Mohd Shadab Khan and Naresh Kumar Bhagat, extended all the technical support in making the program successful.