Tribute to Baba Sahib

I heard two day long debate in Parliament wherein all high profile leaders expressed their views on constitution of India as well as about Mr B R Ambedkar. Two main national  political party leaders expressed their respect and love for the architect of the nation. It is quite delighting that the two parties in particular, and other smaller parties in general were unanimous on this issue.
However, what bothers me at this point of time is the level of politics played by the parties. The level of politics has degenerated beyond redemption. In the present condition, the gap between rich and poor has increased, and social injustice gaining ground in the country. It is also quite disturbing  that the parties, leaders who swear by the Constitution, hardly  follow it in sincerity. Had they implemented it in letter and spirit, and imbibed its spirit  in true essence, the country would not have been in the situation, as exists now. Mere speaking about constitution will not matter. If leaders really work for the cause of people, it will be the fittest tribute  to Baba Sahib.
Yours etc…
Rakesh Sharma
Greater Kailash