‘Scout’, ‘Engage’, ‘Facilitate’, and ‘Recognise’ are its basic cannons
JAMMU, Feb 5: In order to make the sports lucrative for youth, the Jammu and Kashmir Government has sanctioned the implementation of Jammu & Kashmir Sports Policy 2022 with the institution of several sports awards, incentives, scholarships, appointment of outstanding sports persons among other features.
This first ever policy document has been created with the vision of ‘games & sports for all’ and is designed to be in conformity with the National Sports Policy of the country.
The policy document lays the thrust to create vibrant incentivized sports ecosystem through strategic interventions for sports in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir. The basic cannons of the policy are to ‘Scout’, ‘Engage’, ‘Facilitate’, and ‘Recognise’.
The sports policy reflects the value current dispensation—being led by Lieutenant Governor, Shri Manoj Sinha—is giving this sector with focus on encouraging sports at both the rural and urban levels while ensuring the engagement of all.
Recently, the Administrative Council (AC), which had met here under the chairmanship of Lieutenant Governor, Manoj Sinha, approved the rollout of the J&K Sports Policy 2022.
Awards & Incentives to Sports Persons
The Awards and incentives are provided to encourage and motivate the outstanding sportspersons for even higher achievements and to attract the younger generation to adopt sports as a career. These awards are also the expression of appreciation and nation-wide gratitude to winners.
The Policy institutes various annual awards like Sher-i-Kashmir Award for Excellence in Sports for 10 sportsperson, J&K Khel Protsahana Award for Sports Association, and two veterans/ experienced sportspersons/ organizers or referees, Parshuram Award for five best Coaches in different disciplines.
To further motivate the UT’s sporting talent, the Sports Policy announces special cash awards to the winners in Olympics, Asian Games, Commonwealth Games, Asian Championship (Seniors/ Juniors), World Cup/ Championships, Youth Olympic Games, South Asian Games, and World University Games/ Championships; in the range of Rs one lakh to Rs one crore.
LG/Chief Minister’s Gold Rolling Trophy for Sports Associations, this trophy (Replica) shall be presented to one best recognized UT Sports Associations of the J&K UT for having organized its activities at different District of the UT & participated in large number of recognized competitions outside the UT with medals.
In order to motivate the youth of J&K to excel in sports, the Government shall provide jobs to 30 outstanding sportspersons per calendar year (05 in gazetted cadre and 25 in non-gazetted cadre) for winning medals at the national or representing/winning in international games/ competitions/ championships as per the rules notified by the General Administration Department, J&K.
In the case of a player exceeding the age of participation in specific events or on account of injury limiting participation in events, their expertise would be used to impart specialized training to players.
In-service sportspersons who excel in sports during their service career, shall be considered for grant of advance increments, as per the rules notified by General Administration Department.
The Government also proposes to grant out of turn promotion to outstanding sportspersons for medal winning performance in Olympic games, Common Wealth Games and Asian games.
UT Award to Outstanding Sportspersons
This will be highest award of the UT Government for the outstanding players of J&K. The award shall be announced every year on the occasion of Republic Day celebrations. Such award will enhance prestige of sportspersons and motivate them to perform better at national and international level.
The scope of award shall be suitably increased/modified and notified by the UT Government from time to time.
Special Cash Award to Outstanding Sportspersons
Special cash awards shall be given to the sportspersons of J&K who win first, second and third position in National and International competitions conducted by authorized international / national sports bodies
To give further impetus to the sports activities, the winners in all recognized National competitions and National School Games in various sports disciplines will be granted specified scholarships from the Directorate of Youth Service & Sports.
The vision of engaging every citizen in some form of physical activity, towards the promotion of a healthy active lifestyle will not only contribute to the health of J&K, but will also contribute to the overall health of the human capital of the nation.
One among the key highlights of this Sports Policy is the progressive mechanism for scouting, grooming talent and leading it to the level of creating qualified world-renowned sportspersons who will make Jammu & Kashmir and the Nation proud. Underscoring the creative initiatives taken to create a flourishing sports culture at the grassroot level, the J&K Sports Policy focuses on the development of the state-of-the-art infrastructure and providing world class coaching.
With the focus on strengthening the spirit of camaraderie and the development of esprit de corps, this sports policy envisages to render support to sportspersons to strive to create a mark on the international platform and stand strong as medal winners.
This sports policy presents the guideline to provide better job opportunities and support to renowned sportspersons. This policy promotes the adoption of robust & transparent governance mechanisms to bolster implementation policy.
Developing the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir as a sports tourism destination by promoting winter and adventure sports along with trails and events in the lap of nature will give the impetus for the socio-economic development of the Union Territory through sectoral convergence and public private partnership ventures. Co-ordination between the government, the J&K Sports Council and the Directorate of Youth Services & Sports will ensure that the implementation of this policy will be exemplary for times to come.
The vision for the Policy is to have, in the next 10 years, a dynamic and innovative ecosystem that promotes and celebrates participation and excellence in sports inculcating a sense of harmony, where all citizens can participate according to their abilities and interests, performing at the highest competitive levels. This will enable sports and games deliver benefits to individual health and well-being, and in turn contribute to nation building and socio-economic impact.
The broad contours of the document is i) to kickstart ‘Sports for All & Fitness for All’, a result-oriented mechanism that promises and delivers physical, social, as well as economic development of the youth; ii) to identify and nurture talent at the grassroot level and provide them world-class sports infrastructure for achieving excellence in sports and iii) to create a sports-centric ecosystem for all stakeholders through improved job opportunities and creating revenue avenues by making J&K as a sport tourism destination.
Policy Principles, Goals & Objectives
The Policy, in detail, discusses of creating a sports ecosystem through strategic interventions by the Government of J&K which would encompass the five levels of progression in a pyramidal structure, which rise from a broad base of Foundation Level to the highest point of Human Performance Index Development (HPID), with ethos of ‘catch them young, train them well and keep them active till the end, for youth & ‘include all’ for the general populace.
Identification, engagement, facilitation & recognition will form the operative principles for this pyramidal structure, the document envisages.
Each goal has a set of clear objectives which the policy envisages to achieve through a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-Bound) strategy.
Elaborating further about the sports governance system, the sports policy is to realize the goals associated with strengthening the governance, legal and administrative system for the management of sport, games & fitness related initiatives in the UT-J&K.
The sports governance system of the UT-J&K will work on the four cornerstones namely, Transparency, Ethics, Professionalism and Accountability.
The sports resource & knowledge within the UT of J&K will be divided into a two- pillar system: a) Sports Education & Coaching and b) Sports for Excellence.
The policy enumerates about the importance of upgradation of trainers and coaches at different levels through a Strategic Coach Development Program (SCDP) at three levels viz Community level, Intermediate Level, Elite Level.
Other Initiatives
The Policy proposes an array of new initiatives which primarily are going to benefit games and sports by convergence of the resources of different departments. In the light of this, there will be reallocation of infrastructural resources (hard & soft) amongst all stakeholders in accordance to the quantum of initiatives executed by them.
Sports Tourism
Policy encourages promotion of the UTs natural resources such as lakes, rivers, canals and mountains to promote sports tourism. The policy accords special focus to golf, winter sports and adventure and water sports activities, besides hubs and sports tourist centers will be created which would in turn provide additional job opportunities.
The Department shall accord top priority in procuring equipment and establishing supporting infrastructure (soft & hard) facilities.
According to the policy document the ‘public private partnership’ (PPP) along with foreign mission support for knowledge and technology transfer will help take sports and adventure tourism to the higher level.
Accordingly sports tourism and specialised snow adventure sports training courses at certificate/ diploma level will become the new modus for making such sports tourism models to become self-sustaining. The Department of Youth Services & Sports would encourage PPP mode to promote winter sports and adventure tourism.
Winter Sports – Skiing
The existing skiing facility for training as well as leisure games at Gulmarg etc will be developed to international standard. Apart from this, specific focus for skiing infrastructure development should be a thrust initiative at Pehalgam and Sonamarg as these are also a high snowfall receiving regions.
Adventure Sports
Regions like Gurez and other smaller villages with very scenic spots may be developed as nature walk/ trails/rock climbing with single focused sport activity. This will enable the creation of experience destinations and boost the economy alongside providing employment opportunities.
Mountain Hiking & Biking/ Tourism
Up-gradation of the training facility and curriculum in mountaineering related courses using upgraded techniques, infrastructure and methodology.
Golf Tourism
JK Sports Council shall in collaboration with the tourism department encourage international golf competitions so that golf tourism is given a spurt. Other districts in the UT would be explored for developing golf as a sport. The Directorate of YSS in collaboration with the Golf Development Authority and tourism department shall strive to involve school children as well.
The vision of the proposed Jammu & Kashmir Sports Policy 2022 is ‘to create a dynamic, inclusive, competitive and innovative environment that enables and empowers the Citizens of Jammu & Kashmir to experience and benefit from a strong sports culture- to facilitate the creation of a self-sustaining and participative sports eco-system that makes sports affordable, enjoyable and sustainable for all who wish to play and for those who wish to excel on the global forefront.’