Tiles work started at Kacha Talab

JMC Councillor Sharda Kumari inspecting work at Ward 47 on Sunday.
JMC Councillor Sharda Kumari inspecting work at Ward 47 on Sunday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 13: Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) Councillor, Sharda Kumari kick started tiles work at Kacha Talab in Ward 47 with an estimated cost of Rs five lakhs, here today.
The tiles work of the said lanes were in dilapidated conditions since long and the residents especially the old age persons were facing lot of problems while passing through these busy lanes.
The Councillor appealed the general public to come forward and cooperate with the Corporation in various development works undertaken by the department within the Jammu city.
She urged upon the residents to avoid using single used plastics, polythene in their routine work and don’t throw debris, garbage filth etc in the public drains and segregate dry and wet garbage at their own level, so that Jammu the Jammu can made a neat, clean and beautiful city.