To cover possibly the largest segment of the people, those falling in the age group of 18 to 45 , under third phase of vaccination in Jammu and Kashmir, the same after minor initial hiccups, has started in contrast to many states/UTs where the same is deferred pending receipt of sufficient doses of the vaccines. However, the drive has been allowed to be undertaken in phased manner starting from the two main capital cities of Jammu and Srinagar. This has been done after receiving only 75000 jabs of Covaxin each by Jammu and Kashmir regions exclusively for the age group of 18-45. Since it is related to the availability of jabs and the medical infrastructure to administer it at various centres and designated points ,in Jammu as against five designated vaccination centres , actual vaccination initially could take place only in one centre since the other four received delivery of the jabs of the vaccine later. The same position was true of Srinagar too. The aspirant citizens of the designated age group are facing problems and difficulties in respect of registration and appointment and absence of more designated centres which we hope would be resolved simultaneously along with vaccination. With the availability of more doses , the vaccination drive could take place at more centres. However, what was needed was patience and waiting for one’s turn and creating of no scope for any mess or confusion. It may be noted that the commitment of the Government being all to be vaccinated under the third phase in the designated age group, for which no one has to pay anything as the same is decided to be given free of cost by the UT Government of Jammu and Kashmir, hence there should be nothing of any type of fears or apprehensions