Speaking after the convocation ceremony at the Military College of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering (MCEME) in Hyderabad, former President and scientist Dr. A.P.J. Kalam stressed on the need of equipping future officers of armed forces with capability of envisaging and combating technology- driven warfare. Modern science and technology have great scope when introduced in defence sector. Conventional warfare methodology is gradually getting relegated to the background. Obviously success of a war in future will depend on the level of advancement made by the countries concerned in the realms of science and technology. The primacy objective of present day researches is to reduce time and space as far as is possible and this will have the tremendous impact on a war that gets unleashed on any part of the globe. In simplest terms what he meant to say is that India should carry forward very fast its scientific and technological advancement. We need to take into account that our neighbour in the east has made rapid advancement in all walks of life including defence preparedness. We know that Chinese agents working clandestinely have tried to hack the internet in a bid to find out the secret documentation of other countries. This is an eye opener of how internet can be misused to gather intelligence of critical importance. Our scientists have great responsibility of raising the level of our country in terms of cyber warfare.