Talks and terror

After the abrogation of Article 370, Pakistan is vindictive by spewing venom against India in the international forum. A liar has no legs to stand upon which we notice day in and day out how Pakistan narrates its version of things. Pakistan stands exposed and isolated and it is unfortunate that she cannot reconcile with the truth.
Kashmir has remained an integral part of India and if we deeply study the history of Kashmir. Its cultural dimensions, art and craft, and religious ethos exhibits similarity towards the other states of the country. Since 1947 Jammu and Kashmir State was ruled by the elected Govts. Democratic institutions have thrieved here also as in the other parts of the country. Article 370 that was incorporated temporary in the Indian constitution was supposed to lose its validity with the passage of time. But one is impelled to speak that some political leaders in the Valley made it a mountain out of a mole to meet their personal ends. In the name of Article 370 they managed to perpetuate their dynastic rule in the State. Pakistan infiltrated terrorists in the State and till to date the valley did not see peace. Separatism and radicalisation has made the situation worse. Now when the State is heading towards the change after revoking of Article 370 Pak is rattled. It is worth to mention that no casualty has been taken place in the State after the scrapping of Article 370. At the same time talks and terrorism will not go together.
S N Raina