Talking to separatists

In reply to a question, the Union Minister of State for Home, Choudhury said that the Government was prepared to talk to Kashmir separatists if they agreed to shun violence and talk within the frame of the Indian Constitution, This is nothing new. Indian Government has more than once reiterated its position on the issue of talks with the separatists. The ball is in their court. Separatists draw strength and inspiration from insurgents and insurgents, in turn, are armed and indoctrinated by their Pakistani mentors to achieve their objective of separating Kashmir from India. Well, if the subject is of armed resistance, the hard fact is that Kashmir could not be separated by three wars.
We are of the view that more sensible people among Kashmir separatists are conscious of the dangerous course they have adopted. That course has already spelt disaster to Kashmir and now they want Pakistan to get engulfed in a perilous situation, India has already taken adequate measure to counter the propaganda unleashed by Pakistan and more preventive and retaliatory steps will be taken to neutralize insurgency in Kashmir.