Taj urges party workers to gear up for challenges

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Apr 20:  Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) today held a day long workers convention of Uri Assembly Constituency today and urged upon the party workers to gear up for the challenges ahead. The convention also stressed  on revitalizing the party at all levels.
The convention was presided over by senior Congress leader and former minister Taj Mohi- ud-Din and it was attended by District president Baramulla Aftab Ahmad Beigh and other senior leaders of the district.
While discussing, threadbare the organizational affairs in the district,  the convention stressed the need to gear up activities of the party at all levels. The convention stressed the need to put in a strenuous efforts to reach out to the people for resolution of the problems confronting them due to the wrong policies of the ruling dispensation in the State. The convention also expressed serious concern over the restlessness and disillusionment among the people due to the failures of the Govt on all fronts.
Addressing the convention Taj urged upon the party cadres to remain steadfast in their resolve to serve the people, as this party is an instrument of service  with a history of 130 years in service to the people.
He said Congress will continue to highlight the failures of the Govt and  make it accountable  to the people, the ruling parties PDP- BJP have brought miseries to people in the entire state and there seems to be no end to the crisis. He urged upon the party cadres to remain vigilant about the designs of anti- peace forces. He felt confident that people will defeat all those forces or factors posing threat to integrity of the State.
On this occasion, Taj declared that PCC is holding a day long convention of party cadre of entire Uri segment on  April 24, which will be presided over by PCC chief,  GA Mir, in which threadbare discussion will be held with the regard socio- political scenario of the State.
Those who addressed the convention included Haji Assadullah, Hamidur Rehman-both block presidents, Bharat Kumar and Najeeb Naqvi.