Swami Yajnandharananda delivers a Talk at CUJ

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 17: Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari’s Jammu Branch, in collaboration with the Office of Dean Students’ Welfare at Central University of Jammu, organised a panel discussion on “Diversity, Inclusion and Mutual Respect” wherein Swamiji deliberated on the origin of the term Vasudhaeva Kutumbakam in the Mahopanishad and the Hitopanishad.
Citing Advaita Vedantic philosophy, Swamiji highlighted the importance of the family institution and preached a pragmatic application of these ideas in society to alleviate social pathologies.
In her welcome address, Dean Students’ Welfare Dr Ritu Bakshi spoke on the importance and persistence of Swami Vivekananda as a youth icon. Dr Anil Soumitra, Regional Director, IIMC Jammu, spoke on the importance of mass communication and media in managing societal sentiments.
Manas Bhattacharjee, Coordinator, Uttar Prant, Swami Vivekananda Kendra, spoke on India’s presidency of G20 and mentioned how the panel discussion was conducted under Civil 20 verticle of the Youth20 events.
DSW Dr Ritu Bakshi presented mementos to speakers of the panel. Inder K Raina, Civil20 Coordinator (J&K), Swami Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari concluded the event with official vote of thanks.